Saturday, May 24, 2014

Joy Shared is Joy Doubled

There is an old Swedish proverb that says:
 “A joy shared is a joy doubled;
A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.”

It really is true.  When we are able to share our joy with other meaningful people in our lives, and they embrace that joy with us, our joy is somehow multiplied.  And conversely, when we “bear one another’s burdens” as the Bible tells us (Galatians 6:2), those burdens become lighter.

One of the questions I like to ask our small groups at the beginning of our weekly meetings is: “Where did you experience true community this week?”  It is one of the five ways we experience God within the body of Christ, his church: through worship, community, serving, witnessing, and teaching/learning we become disciples who are making disciples.  These are the ways we come to know God.  This is why the local church is so important for our spiritual growth.

Last week I experienced community in the form of shared joy, along the lines of the Swedish proverb.  On Saturday we attended graduation at Phillips Theological Seminary in Tulsa where I received my doctoral hood and diploma for my Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Leadership with emphasis in Spiritual Formation.  My joy was multiplied as it was shared with my wife Linda and our grown kids Andy, Lindsay, Matt, Melanie and our grandchildren Christian, Nora and Ada Claire.

When I came to church on Sunday morning it was after coming home about 10 o’clock Saturday night from our trip to Tulsa.  I was deeply moved by the heartfelt expressions of congratulation from friends all over, and especially from new friends in the local congregation here at Forrest City.  I was again really moved and surprised by their gift of a beautiful Children of the World clergy stole – it is truly beautiful and I will treasure it forever.  I was not aware that they were so eager to share my joy, but was humbled and delighted that they did so.  Never underestimate the value of community as a means of grace!

I can remember when earning my doctorate was only a dream, and now after a long time it has become a reality.  It is just now starting to sink in.  One thing I know is, it is good to be able to share the joys of this life with family and friends and with my community of faith.  Sorrow is somehow diminished when it is shared; joy is multiplied.  Thanks be to God for family, friends, and faith community in which to share our joys as well as our sorrows.

Yours in Christ,
“Dr. Bill”


Dina said...

Hello Rev. Dr. Bro. Bill!
Well, I seem to be experiencing God today through the Internet community. Does that count? Watching Pope Francis live on my laptop as he begins his Holy Land pilrimage. And now a surprise blog post by you, coming through the Web!
It is an exciting and blessed Shabbat.

Mazal tov on your doctoral accomplishment!
Shabbat shalom from the Negev.

Rev Buck said...

Hi Dina,
Yes I think it does count! It is amazing getting to watch live the Pope's visit and visit with you at the same time. Shabbat shalom!