Friday, February 22, 2008

He Who Shoots the Stars

Hi and welcome to my blog. I would like to open my blog with a mental image which first came to my attention while reading Henri J.M. Nouwen's book, Can You Drink the Cup?:
"I am reminded of Philip Sears's powerful sculpture of Pumunangwet, the Native American at the Fruitlands Museums in Harvard, Massachusetts. He stands with his beautifully stretched naked body, girded with a loincloth, reaching to the heavens with his bow high above him in his left hand while his right hand still holds the memory of the arrow that just left for the stars. He is totally self-possessed, solidly rooted on the earth, and totally free to aim far beyond himself. He knows who he is. He is proud to be a lonesome warrior called to fulfill a sacred task. He truly holds his own."

You might want to Google "Pumunangwet" ("He Who Shoots the Stars") and take a look at that magnificent sculpture. What a beautiful archetype for the spiritual journey.
Rev Buck


Linda said...

I love your blog; I love everything about you! I'm so glad you finally did this.


Dina said...

Wishing you well on your new journey into blogging. "The world is my parish" takes on a whole new meaning!

Unknown said...

Hello Bill, this is one neat thing you have accomplished, say hello to the family for me, hey I love archery, black bears and fly fishing, now all I need is the time, I have the lovely take down recurve and fly rod you built for me, beautiful craftmanship indeed, we do you miss you here, you were fast becoming family in our area, no doubt eh, anyways keep up the good work and keep spreading the word, those that need it might heed it, god bless amigo,,,Bobo

Lisa Faye said...

Kudos to my deeply spiritual boss and friend. Blogging can be very therapeutic. Keep it up!