Saturday, February 23, 2008

Waiting for Fair Winds

The month of March, soon to come, brings with it many promises: Easter, turkey season, and good sailing weather to name a few. Here is the missus (Linda) at the helm of our 22 foot vintage sailboat Anastasia. Built in 1979, Anastasia will soon be 30 years old and is in very good shape. We just acquired her at the end of last summer and have not yet had the chance to perfrom the traditional renaming/Christening ritual. Right now it is cold and rainy in Arkansas, but soon we will perform the ancient ritual complete with an invocation to the four winds and anointing with champagne. Then her new name, which means Resurrection in Greek, will be proudly displayed.

I have loved sailing ever since living in New Orleans for seminary and learning to sail on Lake Ponchartrain. Jesus was referring to the Spirit when He reminded Nicodemus, "The wind blows where it will (John 3:8)." He had been going about making things new: giving Simon a new name, changing water into wine, and promising new birth and new life to a religious elder. Such is the work of God, as we wait for the fair winds of spring.
Rev Buck

1 comment:

Dina said...

May ruach fill your sail and the Ruach fill your soul.
I'm glad you listed Easter BEFORE turkey season!