Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What Would Jesus Drive?

Recently here in Conway a number of automobile enthusiasts got together and formed something called the Christian Car Club, Conway Chapter. There is already a very active Christian Motorcyclists Association, and now there are a number of local clubs made up of members who love Jesus and love their cars. We get together for fun and sharing, and also to conduct very interesting car shows and bear witness to our faith in the process.

Some of our members have some very beautiful, impeccably restored antique autos. It is amazing the amount of time, effort, and tender loving care that goes into restoring a vintage automobile. Not long ago at one of our shows a member was speaking to a group of at-risk youth and using this as a metaphor to illustrate the experience of spiritual rebirth.

Showing a picture of a typical unrestored antique, it is evident that this car has a lot of miles on it, needs an extraordinary amount of work, and that nobody would want it unless they could see beyond all the rust and dents and visualize its potential and intrinsic value. But the dedicated restorer goes to work and the result is nothing short of breathtaking. This is how God works in us, our member said, and for us to cooperate in the endeavor it is helpful to have a service manual (The Bible).

Our club members have baseball hats emblazoned with the logo: WWJD? What Would Jesus Drive? In Holy Week He entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey. I wonder what He would choose today? Something to think about.
Wishing everyone a blessed Holy Week and Easter,


charlotte said...

I've thought about this. The only possession I can think of that Jesus really owned is the seamless garment that they cast lots for at his crucifixion. I suppose, if he drove anything it would not belong to him, but rather be used by him.

Are there other possessions of Jesus I'm forgetting?

Is there significance that the donkey he rode into Jerusalem was a colt that had never been riden on before?

I'm enjoying your blog site.

Rev Buck said...

Hi charlotte, Thanks for your comments. I can't think of any other possessions either. I have often wondered what I would have said if I had been the one the disciples came to and asked to borrow my donkey, saying, "The Lord has need of it!"