Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Galilee, Part IV -- Toes in the Jordan and St. Peter's Fish

We got to see both the place where the Jordan enters the Sea of Galilee and the place where it flows out.  At the lower end of the lake there is a place where you can go experience the river and even be baptized if you want.  Linda and I dipped our fingers (Linda) and our toes (me) into the lovely Jordan.  The small fish were voraciously nibbling at my feet and toes so they had me DANCING in the Jordan (no pics added)!  The river in which Jesus was baptized is peaceful and beautiful.  I could have taken pictures of it all day.    
One of the highlights of our Galilean trip was our visit to En Gev, which is still a working fishing town on the southeastern shore of the sea.  After visiting the Jordan we went to nearby En Gev an hour or two before sunset and relaxed.  What a blessing it was to sit by the lake and watch the sunset, enjoying the fellowship and a delicious meal!  St. Peter’s Fish, of course, is the specialty of the house.  It’s your basic tilapia and when it’s caught fresh from the Sea of Galilee it becomes St. Peter’s fish.  It was served pan-fried and finished on the grill with onions, garlic, lime, and tomato, along with baked potato and cabbage salad (slaw).  Dina also had the fish, and Linda had a pasta Alfredo which was also wonderful.  Accompanying our meal was a very nice Galilean Chardonnay.
After our meal we walked the dock and looked across at the now-lit skyline, and the working fishing boats in dock at rest for the night.  I don’t think I will ever, ever forget the Sea of Galilee.

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