Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"It’s Good to Be Here”


About two hours north of Jerusalem and about 30 minutes west of the Sea of Galilee, dome-shaped Mount Tabor rises some 1,900 feet above the beautiful Jezreel Valley.  It is the place where Jesus took Peter, James, and John after the turning-point conversation centered around the question, “Who do you say that I am?” at Caesarea-Philippi, about six day’s walk to the north.

While the four of them were up there, the Gospels tell us Jesus was “transfigured before them” (Mark 9:2), his appearance became dazzling white, and for a moment the veil of his humanity was drawn aside and the disciples beheld the transcendent glory of the Son of God.  With him they could see Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.

Peter was so overcome by the moment that he did not want it to end.  “Rabbi, it is good to be here.  Let us build three cabins, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”  Then the Voice came from heaven: “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!”

Peter never did get to build those cabins, but the Franciscans sure did.  On Monday Linda and Dina and I went up to Mount Tabor where the magnificent Church of the Transfiguration sits right on top.  We were with a group of Israeli and Italian and Franciscan and Arab Christians (quite a wonderful group it was) who went there for the Feast Day of the Transfiguration, which is celebrated August 6th by Orthodox, Catholic, and many Eastern churches.  (In the West, the Transfiguration is celebrated the last Sunday before Lent because of the Gospels chronology 40 days before the crucifixion.   The Eastern churches moved the feast to August because well, it’s complicated.)

So this Monday was the Feast day of the Transfiguration at the site of the Transfiguration and celebrated by the church that bears its name.  There were pilgrims from all over the world there to celebrate this holy event on the mountaintop.  After the mass there was a festive meal and even a birthday cake with a model of the mountain on top.  What a treat it was to be in this special place on this special day!

Later we were able to go apart a little ways and look out from Tabor’s crest over the lush and fertile valley below.  It was absolutely breathtaking.  I can see why Peter wanted to stay here. 

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